
Dangerous affair[Kidnapper!LevixVictim!Reader]Ch14

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From last chapter:


“Ackerman, I’ll have you one ticket for a train by the end of this day. You’ll go as far as possible inside this country, and you’ll never come back. That is if you don’t want troubles. My daughter saved your filthy ass because she’s a good person, but trust me, if you keep getting in my and her way, I’ll have your guts spilled. So, what do you say?”

Even though I wanted to interrupt again, I didn’t. Instead, I raised my head and looked at Levi. I…wanted to hear him answer, although it was quite clear. No sane man would refuse my father’s kind offer. And Levi was extremely practical and sensible; there is no way he’d let this chance slip away.

Levi was looking back at me, silently observing my face.

“Hurry up and spit what you're thinking, before I change my mind.” Dad urged him impatiently.

Levi averted his gaze from me and lazily looked in Dad’s eyes, then opened his mouth to answer.





”I accept.” he replied without hesitating, without skipping a beat.

My chest tightened painfully, and my whole body stiffened. I had to gulp, because suddenly I felt like throwing up. As if all the blood disappeared from my head, from my brain; I became numb.

It was predictable, so very predictable.

I couldn’t let go of the precious hope he had given me, it was too hard. I kept on remembering the rare times when he had been not so unkind to me. I recalled when he had come out of his room after three days, and apoligized, then kissed me softly. I thought… that although things became complicated, he was still the one I knew. That he only refused me when I visited him, because there were guards who could hear us, and he didn’t want to open up in front of others. That somehow, just like a miracle, love struck him eventually. Love, jeez, what am I thinking… but still… I believed that he grew to care about me. Doesn’t matter, how little.

Well, people should learn to accept, and stop making excuses for others if what they say is not what they expect.

It was all a lie. It wasn’t a fairytale. Sometimes things aren’t complicated. Sometimes they truly are what they seem to be, without any hidden meaning behind the words. When Levi said I didn’t mean anything to him – that was the truth. But I, being unable to handle it, decided to ignore it and secretly, deep inside still hoped that Levi would have some feelings towards me, he just can’t admit it.

Is there anything as humiliating as stubbornly sticking to something and passionately arguing for it until the very end, then learn that we were wrong as hell from the very beginning?

I wished to run away and cry forever in my room. But I couldn’t.

Instead, I hardened my features as much as possible, trying to maintain a stoic expression. If only Levi didn’t see my emotions on my face. If only I could hide everything I feel.

That would make me much less of the idiot I am.

“Alright.” I nodded, my head feeling twice its size. “But where is he staying until he leaves?”

My voice was surprisingly flat.

Dad inhaled sharply and impatiently.

“As much as I want him to get out instantly, I don’t want Ackerman to go and wander around freely.” He turned to Levi. “You’re staying in the house then, understood?”

The short man simply nodded.

“Splendid.” Dad grumbled, then paused a bit. He shot dark glares at us. “Okay, if you want to talk that much, I’ll let you for a while. I’ll give you about-“

“There’s no need for that.” I interrupted, seemingly lazily. “You just shouldn’t murder people, leave that part of judging to the law. I thought it wouldn’t be fair if you killed Levi. But other than that…” I shrugged. “I’m not really interested, so I’ll go for now.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Levi turn his face towards me. This got your attention, huh?

“[First name]…” My father started quietly, but I already went to the door.

“We’ll talk later, Dad!” I ended the conversation plainly.






If I managed to save the last bits of my dignity and stay cool in front of them, then I shouldn’t lose this control over my emotions later either, I thought to myself. So I remained completely expressionless – as if my face was made from stone. I must look like Levi, I thought bitterly. My mouth was a straight line which would never curl upwards, and my eyes were half-lidded. However, I didn’t exactly look unfriendly or cold like him that some people might think while being around him. It was simply the lack of care in my case.

Inwardly, I was repulsed and disgusted by the idea that Levi could be anywhere and I could bump into him easily, but at the same time I felt like I still wouldn’t react if he walked pass me.

Levi wasn’t forced to accept the company of the guards or anything, but there were cameras almost in each corner of the house, and – I think for the first time – Dad told the housekeeper to turn them on and watch the screens which showed what Levi was doing.

Then another surprise caught me –althought it wasn’t the kind that Levi gave me - Eren, my friend gave me a call. He invited me to go a party.

I would have loved to shout at him through my phone to ease the stress and nervousness, which seemed to expand behind my mask, but I didn’t. But I didn’t get it. Why, from all days of the week, of the whole month, did he choose this to show a little interest? Sure, after I was kidnapped, my so-called friends asked a few times ‘how I was’, but I didn’t feel that they were genuinely interested and worried.

But now, as I politely thanked the invitation and turned it down, Eren started to talk about how distant I became.

I took a deep breath, and tried to give boring, simple answers, but he wouldn’t let me get away. He insisted on visiting me.

Again: why?  Why now?

But on the other hand, why shouldn’t I let him? Levi is here, so what? I don’t want to talk to him or see him either way.

Mostly because I wanted to prove myself that Levi’s presence leaves me cold, I didn’t resist Eren’s pushy attitude. Not that it would have been easy to get rid of him. Once he had something on his mind, it was almost impossible to stop him.






“I see.” Eren said finally, watching me worriedly. “It must have been hard on you. To be honest, it was difficult for me to picture you being kidnapped, so I didn’t exactly know how to react. The others might have this feeling too.”

Eren was sitting on the sofa in my room, wearing a lost look on his face.

Of course, I didn’t tell him everything. I couldn’t bring myself to say a few things out loud; for example that I gave my body to the one who kidnapped me, then I foolishly fell in love with him, only to realise it later that I meant nothing to him.

I just briefly told him that I wasn’t tortured or anything, and in the end Levi even texted me father because he regretted everything. Then Dad got angry and wanted to punish Levi more severely than he deserved, but I managed to change his mind.

“So is he still in the house, [First name]?” He asked, and he sounded a bit more angrier than before.

I held back a smile. It was so Eren-like: he was simply passionate and could never sit back doing nothing. Pitying someone and crying over things wasn’t his style, but he would take revenge for his friends – maybe too quickly, without thinking it over properly. Still, it felt good that I had somebody to care of me after such a long time. Sure, there was Dad, but it looked like he was more busy with himself and his ideas in connection with Levi.

“Yes, but don’t mind him. He’s leaving soon anyway.”

“It’s still not okay. Are you not mad at him? Not even a bit?” He growled, flashing his greenish eyes at me.

“I just don’t want to care about him.” I shrugged.

I didn’t want Eren to confront Levi. Come to think of it, they were entirely different from each other. Just looking into their eyes: Eren’s were huge and a bright blend of green and blue, while Levi’s were narrow and pale grey. My friend’s face would always show his emotions, but my ex-kidnapper’s was an empty canvas. Eren was also taller. Apart from their appearances, Eren was quick-tempered, while Levi was always calm. I imagined those two fighting, and I already saw the outcome. I didn’t want Eren to be hurt because of me. Also, I don’t want Levi to think that I complain about him to my friends either.

“You know, maybe your father was right. That guy would have deserved it.”

I sighed.

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” A short silence came. “I think I should talk to Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie too. It’s been a while. How are they doing?”

“Agreed. Well, you would never guess, but Sasha and Connie seem to…”

Guess what, I would. Even a blind man could see the attraction between those two.

It was a bit strange – this might sound selfish – that life went on without me. While I had been planning to kill three people, having my wrists and ankles tied, my friends had been home watching tv, talking and getting closer to each other. As I had been lying in my bed not too long ago, thinking about the God-like power in my hand – should I do something to save Levi’s life? - , Connie had kissed Sasha in the middle of a midnight walk. How ordinary.

Of course they were worried to death when I was gone, I finally realised that. Mikasa and Armin came to see me the next day I got home, but I was too busy with my problems. I didn’t talk about them to anyone, so noone seemed to understand me, and I was lonely. As if I was forgotten.

Should they have tried harder? Should I have opened up more? I don’t know, but I can’t lose my friends. I lost Levi, and I can hardly deal with it alone…

“…but they aren’t a couple officially yet. That’s all I know.” Eren finished. Strange, he was never really into the others’ private life, why is he telling me all this, as if he enjoyed telling those little secrets?

Maybe he’s trying to cheer me up.

This thought squeezed my heart a bit.

“I’ll find it all out!” I tried to sound enthusiastic. “But since it’s you who’s here, tell me about what happened to you recently.”

And he did his best to do so.







“I’m glad you came.” I smiled as we were leaving my room, and I accompanied him to the entrance door.

“Yeah, it’s good that we managed to talk a bit, and…” Suddenly he shut his mouth.

I turned around to check what he’s staring at, and my heart started racing hotly.

There was Levi, lazily walking towards, then past us.

“Is he…?” Eren murmured under his breath, and I could only nod my head.

Levi didn’t even look at Eren or me.

“Hey, asshole!” Eren snarled, and made a dash at him. “How could you…”

I must emphasise it once again; I don’t know anyone else who would attack someone while talking.

Eren hardheadedly grabbed Levi’s shoulder from behind, as he stubbornly decided that he still wanted his ‘justice’. Obviously he clutched Levi with his left to turn his opponent around and punch him in the face, but he should have known better.

I didn’t have as much time as to open my mouth to yell ‘stop’; Levi already seized Eren’s hand on his shoulder, then grabbed his arm, and in a blink of an eye flipped the younger male over his back, sending him to the floor in front of his feet. Levi barely had to bend his body because of the difference in their height.

Eren landed with a painful groan.

“Levi!” I snapped furiously, and ran to the brown haired boy. “Eren, are you okay?”

He coughed violently for a few seconds, then nodded silently in a bad mood. I helped him to his feet, then turned to Levi.

“Fuck off!” I hissed. “Can’t you just stay the fuck away from me?”

“No need for saying such obscene words, [First name]. I just didn’t want the filthy hand of that scum boyfriend of yours on me.” he replied in his dull voice, then continued to walk away as if nothing had happened.

Eren followed Levi’s figure with burning detestation in his eyes.

“I swear, next time…”

“Eren, ignore him.” I sighed, then quickly added what worried him most probably. “I won’t tell anyone about this.”

He stayed silent for a moment.

“Good.” He mumbled. “I only wanted to hit him because he hurt you. He had it coming.”

I shook my head.

“He… didn’t hurt me. I told you.”

But Eren seemed to doubt me.

“You were talking about him too nonchalantly before, like you weren’t angry at him at all. But now you were pretty harsh to that sucker. You… hate him, don’t you?”

“I…” I took a deep breath. “It’s not that. He hurt you, that’s why I was irrirated and nervous. But let’s just put it aside, I’ll get rid of him soon enough.” When I said this, my stomach clenched.

“Oh. Okay.”

We went downstairs and I opened the door for Eren so that he could leave.

“I’ll come soon, [First name]. See you la-“ He was about to say goodbye, but suddenly stopped.

Oh, not again.

I stepped next to Eren, and saw what had shocked him: Levi was smoking outside, leaning his back against the wall of the house.

Flicking the fucking ash from his burning cigarette onto the perfectly mowed, expensive, beautiful green lawn.

“Please, just go.” I whispered to Eren.

He shot a deadly glare at Levi – who didn’t even look at Eren -, then waved me with a smile and walked to the gate, heading home.

So we were left alone together. I felt an uncomfortable atmoshpere slowly surrounding and engulfing us. I should go in the house, I reminded myself, but my legs wouldn’t move. Something deep inside me hoped that Levi would break the silence and say something to me. Maybe in the next second… or the next…

Strange. The last time when it was truly just the two of us… he kissed me. But it’s like thousand years passed since then. I… really tried to look composed and neutral in his eyes when we were in the meeting room, but it’s true that I lost it when he threw Eren onto the floor. What could be on his mind?

“Have you slept together?”

At first I wasn’t even sure who had asked the question, since Levi still didn’t turn his head towards me. Also, the voice I heard was oddly hoarse and deep. Besides, why would he question me like this?

But since noone else was around, I had to accept that it wasn’t some invisible people who whispered in my ear.

“It’s none of your business.” I replied. I didn’t even know why I wanted him to talk to me, once I was so passive.

Levi took a puff of his cigarette, inhaling it brutally, then looked at me at last.

“[First name].” He stared into my eyes and exhaled the smoke slowly. “I asked you a question. Have you two fucked?”

My mouth fell open as I sharply breathed in through it in my surprise.

“What?!” I glared at him. “Stop behaving as if you have the right to demand anything from me!”

But why didn’t I just tell him the truth, that I haven’t slept with Eren?

Levi menacingly approached me. I didn’t move an inch when he came in front of me.

“I’m listening.”

“I told you-“

He pushed me against the wall with his left hand, and placed his right palm on it, next to my head, holding the cigarette between his index- and middlefinger. My throat went dry immediately because of his close presence, but I didn’t give up my icy expression.

“The quicker you spit it out, the sooner you can get away. That’s all I want to know.”

Oh, if his face wasn’t this cold and his voice wasn’t so flat, I would think he was actually eager.

After all, it reveals that Levi is only a man too. A simple one, that is. He didn’t care about me, but when someone else appeared around me…

Just like a child – he throws away a toy when he’s bored with it, but when another kid comes and wants to play with it, he immediately wants it back. It’s about nothing but ownership, dominance and property.

“There are cameras outside as well.” I said calmly. “If you want to sink in the deep shit you’re in, then keep doing this.”

Levi’s grey eyes stared deep into mine, then they became relaxed and half-lidded. He pulled away, just a bit, only to decrease the level of intimacy, I guess.

“Do you really not know me?” He asked as he coolly raised his thin eyebrows. “If you used your head a bit, you’d figure it out that these things don’t work on me. I’m still waiting.”

I folded my arms across me chest, raising my chin.

“You still don’t have anything to do with it, but no. We didn’t fuck.” My face was totally unreadable – at least I could almost feel it becoming numb because of being expressionless for a while. “Then how about Petra and you?”

Levi’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean.”

We kept the eye contact for a few more seconds, then he shrugged.

“Our last sexual intercourse happened about two weeks before you met me.” He answered eventually.

Well, this surprised me. I mean, Levi didn’t strike me as someone who’d have sex carelessly while a kidnapped person is around.. Actually, he didn’t even had the time or opportunity, I think… but I thought they were sleeping together more regulary…?

My lips twitched.

“Sexual intercourse?” I repeated, trying to fight back a bursting laughter. “And talking about us, we were mating?”

Levi rolled his eyes.

“Cut if off, brat. I’m leaving.” He took a step backwards, and started heading to the entrance door.

Thinking about it, isn’t it terrifying how large distance can appear between two people out of the blue? I mean, once we kissed. Once we saw each other naked. Once we touced each other. Once I let him have my body, and he let me hold onto him as tightly as I could. Skin on skin, covered in sweat, his breath tickled my ear and I moaned his name. If I look at my nails – I can picture his skin and a bit of his blood under it, after I dug them into his muscular back. His hip bone slammed against my pelvis once, and I enjoyed it. Physically, we were as close to each other, as possible. I let him see myself totally undressed, stripped and defenseless in every way, and I believe he did the same, even if it was only for a few moments.

And now, we were talking to each other as coldly as two strangers – no, even strangers are more polite than this.

Levi bent down to put his cigarette out on the ashtray which was on the ground, then straightened up.

“The shit you made up, [First name].” He mumbled, looking at me with a mysterious look on his face.

“What?” That was all I could answer, staring into his eyes suspiciously and confused.

Levi sighed quietly.

“If those two men had paid a tiny little bit of attention, they would immediately have realised that you were talking all the nonsense in the world.” He said in a dull voice, clearly unimpressed. “You said I had lost it when my mother had died. Then you said I had locked myself in and wanted to break up with you. Oh, well, or I just wanted to get rid of you. You refused to leave and I got angry, that could be the reason why I wrote that message to your father. But wait, you had said before that I had sent the address to your dear daddy because I wanted to take responsibility for…taking you away?” His tone of voice didn’t change, but his words were so taunting and mocking. “It was hard for me to believe my ears when I heard you babbling about how we fell in love and ran away.”

He was right. Now I can also see that how stupid I sounded back then – but I was so nervous and excited, thrilled because of Levi…the adrenaline was rushing wildly inside of me, and I spat everything I thought was useful. I didn’t recognise my words were full of contradictions.

“That’s right, but it doesn’t matter. Be thankful for your damned life.” I grumbled. I knew exactly how to shoot back; he was proud, and therefore most definitely angry at me too because I saved him.

“I didn’t ask for your interference.”

“I wouldn’t let my father stain his hands with blood because of someone like you.” I kept on attacking. I think I wanted to try to hurt him back as much as he did.

Levi raised his eyebrows, then slowly nodded his head.

“All right. Thank you, althought I didn’t want your help.” He kept his eyes on me for a little longer, his face being a hard mask, then turned his head away.

He put his hand on the handle.

“Goodbye, [First name]. Take care.”

I opened my mouth a bit, but words didn’t come. A huge knot was in the middle of my throat, and it didn’t matter how hard I tried to swallow it, it just didn’t disappear. I had to clench my fist to stop myself from reaching out for him.

But it was too late for me to struggle to say something. Levi didn’t wait for my answer and went in the mansion, closing the door behind him.

I lowered my head and stared down at the ground. I frowned and pressed my lips together hard as tears were forming in my eyes. I rubbed them before they could fell down my cheeks.

In the end, it seems I’m not angry at him. I’m not acting anymore. I just feel sad. Sadness is all that fills me inside.

I let out a shaky sigh. It’s still better that letting Levi die. It’s true that the situation could have turned out nicer, but Levi will live. I won’t feel guilty. I just have to accept that he has to go away.

I have to face the past and think about the kidnapping once again. I have to realize that he only used me, and he didn’t love me, of course. I’ll have to admit that Stockholm syndrome did have an effect on me. Then, with some time, I’ll see that Levi did like me, only not in the way I wanted him to. And slowly, I’ll be okay with the things that happened. I’ll be able to go on.

That was what my mind was telling me. Practically, it was true – but emotions are a bit more complicated than that.

I shook my head a bit.

I was wondering which choice would be the better: staying in my room until Levi leaves, or trying to find a chance to talk to him more.

I tilted my head backwards, and slowly exhaled with closed eyes.

If I survive today, I’ll survive anytime.






Whether it was a good or bad decision, I spent the day chatting with my friends and lazily browsing the internet. In the back of my mind, a little part of me was thinking about Levi all the time. I ordered pizza – when the door bell rang, I went downstairs like a spy, extremely careful to be invisible, so as not to meet Levi - , ate it alone while watching a film that Armin had recommended. To be honest, I quite enjoyed myself being alone.However, I would have liked to talk to Dad a bit – but he didn’t come to my room, and I didn’t want to leave it either.

Will they inform me when Levi leaves?

Well, he himself probably won’t come to see me once again. He already said goodbye.

As it was getting dark, I was becoming more and more nervous too. I couldn’t resist and went to my window again and again, and I would wince at the smallest noises, because I thought it could be the sound of the car in which Levi  will go far away.

It was already 8 o’clock in the evening, when I was tapping with the tip of my fingers on the desk impatiently and heard male voices from outside.

I quickly jumped to my feet from the chair and almost falling over, rushed to the window. There, I took a deep breath to calm myself down, then cautiously took a look at the scene in front of the house – I wouldn’t want anyone to spot my curious face.

Indeed, there was Levi with one of his hands in the pocket of his jeans, the other holding a cigarette before his lips. There were also two other muscular men next to him; they must be the ones to accompany him to the station, to make sure he gets on the train.

Last but not least, my father was standing with them too. I couldn’t exactly hear what they were talking about though.

Why am I watching this at all? It’s not even interesting. Maybe I just want to see with my own eyes that he gets in the car and disappears forever.

As soon as Levi finished smoking, Dad instantly turned around and went back in the house, while the short, black-haired man opened the door of a black Mercedes and got in with the two other. It didn’t take five seconds for the vehicle to start the engine and be driven away.

I breathed out silently and took a step backwards from the window.

Well, it’s over.

But…the peace that I expected never came. On the contrary: I was feeling quite the same thing that hit be before I went to ‘save’ Levi. An awful and hateful, gut-twisting pain somewhere in my stomach. It was like something irreversible happened, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Levi, Levi, Levi. I should get his name out of my head, but I couldn’t. Of course, it takes some time, I reminded myself, but it just didn’t comfort me.

He was jealous.

Here we go. I try to persuade myself that he loves me.

No, it might not be love. But he wasn’t honest.

So if someone tells me repeatedly that he doesn’t have any feelings towards me, I should still keep my hopes up. Well, I’ve already think this through, and…

…Alright. I can’t deny that I want to see him. The thought that I’ll lose him forever… that I won’t ever find him again… it’s harder for me to handle than I imagined…


Before I knew, I was already running down the stairs. There was a high possibility that Dad wanted to talk to me now, after he dealt with Levi, but I couldn’t care about it at the moment. As I passed the gate, I already called a taxi – I told the driver to come for me in the next street, because I didn’t want to stand in front of our house, where anyone could see and drag me back to the mansion.

I started running, quickly taking turns left or right. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to wait too long, because it would kill me. A few of our neighbours were staring at me, but I didn’t pay attention.

Unluckily, the taxi wasn’t there when I arrived. I looked around impatiently, catching my breath. By the time, I took out my phone and checked the trains that depart soon – but it didn’t help me, as there were about six different one. Two of them went on longer journeys, but I had to consider that he could change trains.

The taxi came, and I hurriedly got in and told the driver to go to the railway station.

The car with Levi didn’t leave much sooner, but I still couldn’t relax. Finding the right train won’t be easy anyway…

In five minutes, we reached my destination. I quickly put some banknotes in his hand, then got out of the car. I couldn’t see the Mercedes nor Levi.

I walked in the building the check the huge interactive information board, but I didn’t get to know more about what I wanted. I decided to go straight to the platform, to see the rail tracks.

I tried to concentrate only on finding Levi, and not thinking about what I will say say to him once I’m in front of him. It’s not that I want to get him back… only to say farewell.

The only problem was that there were fifteen tracks.

I felt sick at this. I might not make it in time, and then all my efforts will be gone to waste…

I immediately rushed back to see from where the six possible trains depart. Rail track 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 15.

Let’s start with 3, then 4, and so.

I wasn’t lucky with the third, the fourth… and when I didn’t see Levi at the eighth, I started to think that knowing my own misfortune, he must be at the last one.

If only that was the case.

But when I went to the tenth track, I saw the two tough, stoic looking men in suits… and right in that moment, the train set off.

“Fuck…” It escaped my lips elegantly, and although I knew I was late, I started running… only a few meters, then my legs became heavier and slower… until I finally stopped.

Strangely, I didn’t break out crying. I just watched the train accelerating until I couldn’t see it anymore. I was merely spacing out. Levi’s ‘bodyguards’ weren’t around anymore either. I had been a bit afraid that they might recognise me and then take back, but it seems they just walked past me.

I felt weak, so I sat down on a bench. However, the nauseous feeling disappeared. Levi is gone, there’s nothing to do. This was final, and there was something soothing in this. I was helpless, but sometimes it’s rather a blessing than a curse. I can stop trying at last. I closed my eyes and felt a tiny smile appearing on my face. Pathetic end of a relationship, but I know that I’ll be okay.

“[First name].”

I jumped and my eyes snapped open. And who I saw…

Levi was standing in front of me, looking down at me with a neutral expression.

I thought I would have a heartattack.

“I…” My throat was dry and my heart felt so huge that I felt it everywhere in my body. I was a throbbing mess. “Uh… I…” If it wasn’t enough, I simply blushed. Like a little girl. My cheeks were hot and I would have died for an ice-cold glass of water; I thought I was boiling.

What should I say, why am I here?... Jeez… But why is he here in the first place…

“Calm down.”

Levi squatted and looked in my eyes deeply. He reached out with his hands, then surprisingly softly and gently put them on my shoulders. He squeezed me a bit.

“Why are you here? Because of me?” he asked quietly.

I couldn’t answer, just nodded dumbly. Oh my god. I just want to disappear right now. And the way he treats me like a fool in love, like a stupid child…

All of a sudden, he moved his hands on my thighs, and leaned closer slowly.

“L-Levi…” I muttered hoarsely, starting to shake my head. “I just…”

To my biggest surprise, he stopped.

“I’m sorry.” He let go of me and stood up, taking a step back.

I got to my feet too. I just didn’t have any idea what to do in this situation. Should I ask questions from him, or shall I start explaining myself, or simply…

But before I could make up my mind, he caught my wrist and yanked me closer, at the same time grabbing the nape of my neck with his other. A breath hitched in my throat, and… he didn’t kiss me.

Levi just pulled me close to his body, pressing my forehead against his neck. He held me firmly and strongly as I was trembling.

“Breathe slowly.” he instructed strictly in my ear. “In… out. In… out.”

I closed my eyes and tried to do what he told me. I didn’t dare move an inch, I just leaned against him, feeling the warmth of his hard body. A minute later I could say I managed to cool myself down a little bit.

I looked up at Levi, who was looking down at me as well.

“I’m getting impatient.” He said in a low voice. “Let me kiss you.”

I couldn’t resist.

Hey guys!

We're getting to the end of this series. I have some questions to ask from you about this:

I like the idea of ending the story here, but most probably I'll write one more chapter since this was quite vague and things might not be clear for you (well, obviously xD) So I want to explain everything you're curious about! In comments you can write what you want Reader and Levi to talk about. I'll get back to the first chapter a bit, I mean Levi will tell about how the kidnapping happened. Then of course he'll talk about how he didn't to go with the train.

(Just don't ask about Reader's virginity, that's one thing I can't figure outxD)

Then: Approximately two months ago I got in the mood of writing lemons, and I started writing one for this series... what's your opinion about that? Should I do it? I don't really know, if I finish it, it might be uploaded to somewhere else since on dA these are deleted sooner or later ><

Lastly: if you're into this idea, I could rewrite a chapter in Levi's POV. xD (err it could be in 3rd person but nah you get it)

Anyways, I hope you'll like this chapter, and thank you once again for putting up with the long time skip!! You make me really happy that you're still interested in the story!! <3

Previous chapter:…

Next chapter:…

1st ch.:…
2nd ch:…
7th: Dangerous affair[Kidnapper!LevixVictim!Reader] Ch7
8th: Dangerous affair[Kidnapper!LevixVictim!Reader] Ch8
9th: Dangerous affair[Kidnapper!LevixVictim!Reader] Ch9
10th: Dangerous affair[Kidnapper!LevixVictim!Reader]Ch10
14: you are here!

The characters of Attack on Titan belong to Isayama Hajime-sensei,
you belong to you (or to this baaad Levi Levi2 ).
Thank you for reading!^_^
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